Maple Lane’s Lily

Call Name: Abbie

Abbie is a beautiful tri-colored pup from our Cream Puff’s Natalie Wood (Chelsea) and Eden Valley Manor’s Charlie Brown. Abbie lives in a guardian family and we enjoy her visits. Here are some words about Abbie from her favorite person, Isaac, “Abbie is very smart, loves to obey, and is always excited to spend time with her family. She loves to on walks and runs and snuggle at the end of the day.” Her intelligence and exuberance for life and people are her trademarks.

Health Information

Multigeneration Australian Labradoodle


Birthdate: 11/17/2018

OFA Hips - Good (Preliminary)

IC - Clear

EIC - Clear

DM - Clear 

PRA (both types) - Clear

vWD - Clear

Eyes - Normal

Size - Medium, 17” 

Weight - 30 pounds

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